Wanderlost app /
Michael Johansson SE
Thore Soneson SE
Marika Kajo (artist in recidence) SE
Marie Fredriksson Karvelas (artist in recidence) SE
Magnus Wallon SE
Alexander Ståhlnacke SE
Kevin Kerney DE
An interactive smartphone app that invites users to an eyeopening walk around a city. You are guided via gps to hotspots that challenge you to reflect and comment on the sights with images. The app are a poetic way to explore stories and reflections on social and cultural levels, to interact with your environment and explore a cityscape.
Wanderlost are developed during an ongoing research project led by Michael Johansson together with members of PRAMnet, Thore Soneson and Marika Kajo. Interactive structure and themes by Marie Kavalas and programming by Magnus Wallon.
Open World
Ollie Ma GB
Ideal spaces
Ideal Spaces working group
Ulrich Gehmann DE
Matthias Wöllfel DE
Michael Johansson SE,
Andi Seiss DE
Alexander Kadin DE
Ideal Spaces is an art and research working group that aims to experience spaces of social and imaginative relevance. It is not only about architecture but about social dreaming and imagination, expressed in ‘ideal’ spaces with their impacts on architecture, art, and human hopes. We tried to show this via a combination of presenting ideal city spaces, active participation of the visitors molding their own spaces, and symbolic representation. Ideal Spaces is also a high-tech project that uses diverse technologies in new ways, also new techniques and programming developed by us.
Michael Johansson SE
Thore Soneson SE
Geza Ribberström Palyi SE
Design Students Digital Design HKR
In 2015-2017 we engaged students from the Digital Design program, Kristianstad University exploring the theme Non-Places as part of our development process of the smartphone application Wanderlost. In various design team they designed concepts to create experiences where users are invited to a walk in an urban landscape, get lost, discover and create new experiences in the city’s non-places. The images gathered and the concepts created was later analysed by the team developing the Wanderlost application and the students, and a series of new and older images was added to this study to give a broader idea of what a non-place could be. Here we show some of these images from this study.
KairUs Art+ Research
KairUs is a collective of two artists Linda Kronman (Finland) and Andreas Zingerle (Austria). Our work focuses on human computer and computer mediated human-human interaction with a special interest in transmedia and interactive storytelling.
Forensic Fantasies (Ars electronica 2016)
Linda Kronman FI
Andreas Zingerle AU
här http://kairus.org/forensic-fantasies-trilogy/
Linda Kronman (Finland) and Andreas Zingerle (Austria). Our work focuses on human computer and computer mediated human-human interaction with a special interest in transmedia and interactive storytelling.
Shell Performance (Ars electronica 2016)
Martin Rieche DE
Formally educated as a computer scientist at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, I became a student of media art of Michael Bielicky at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Today I am a self-employed media artist and independent researcher living and working in Berlin with interest in space, perception, digitization phenomena, digital anthropology, power relations and minimalistic aesthetics. My work addresses issues such as international power networks, religion, changes in the human condition through technology, mass surveillance and electronic and physical warfare.
Recycling Yantra, 2 channel Video (Ars electronica 2016)
Raphael Perret CH
The Dark Side of the Chip, Photographs (Ars electronica 2016)
Raphael Perret CH
Raphael Perret is a Zurich based artist, exploring the interplay between physical and virtual spaces, the closing of circles, as well as the examination of value systems. He holds a Bachelor in Interactive Media and a Master of Advanced Studies in Scenography. He has taught at the Interaction Design department of the Zurich University of the Arts. His art projects have been shown worldwide in places like Gwanju (South Korea); Rio de Janeiro and London.